Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Real, Fictional Love?

Show of hands, how many of us watch Hallmark Christmas movies? Keep a list? Post about best and worst? We, and by we I mean me, love to watch Hallmark’s style of romance. There are the cute meets, awkward looks, and missed opportunities to kiss. Are these fictional moments of budding love real?
I can draw on my own experience and suggest maybe they are. Awkward? Yes. Wanting to talk to him, and then the actual heart-thudding moment when he does. Out bursts the inane babel. If the conversation lasts, distractions lead to an immensely dingy phase. Like back my car into another car because I forgot to look-phase. Yes, that did happen. Sigh.
Missed moments to kiss? Now, really, how often does that happen? Not in my real-life experience, but it makes for excellent storytelling, increasing our hopes that the deal will be sealed. So, yes, love is real, but don’t hang your hopes on the fictionalized versions of love. Watch our favorite Hallmark movies for the sake of story, not as a reflection of what real love should be. The former provides an enjoyable few hours of escapism. The latter is intended for a lifetime when the work is put into it.